Research, the engine of evolution
Our company was born to apply latest research to industry projects and continues to expand its known-how, developping new methodologies and adapting state-of-the-art techniques to our services. Compromised to identify and to research about the topics that can benefit our clients.
eureka!, a bridge between research and industry
Design, analysis and optimisation applied to wind energy
- Project: Internal
- Partners: eureka!, Department of Mechanics of the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Universidade de Vigo (UVigo)
- Outcome: Wind Energy Data Analysis, Design and Optimisation (wedado) in-house build multifidelity CAE framework. Specially oriented to wind energy projects, includes the workbenches needed to handle geometries, meshes, anlyses, cost, wind turbine and wind farm configurations and data analysis. wedado can acommodate ad-hoc design procedures, resolved using incorporated analysis capabilities to obtain Key Indicators of a design. The framework implements Design of Experiments techniques and optimisation procedures to reduce cost of the energy. eureka! is already applicating it!
10+ years of research implemented in an unique tool

On the automatization and research of CFD applied to hydrodynamics
- Project: Internal
- Partners: eureka!, EPHYSLAB, Universidade de Vigo (UVigo)
- Outcome: Numerical Hydrodynamics Lab (NHL), a highly automated module to replicate common tests and Ultimate Limit States in wave tanks, flumes and open sea conditions (complex waves and current profiles).
Latest techniques and technologies to speed-up low-uncertainty designs
Soil-structure interaction of wind turbines
- Project: International Energy Agency's Task 30 OC6 Phase II
- Participants: NREL (USA), NGI (Norway), 4subsea (Norway), Bureau Veritas (France), CGCC (China), CSSC (China), DNV GL (UK), DTU (Denmark), Dalian University of Technology (China), eureka! (Spain), NTNU (Norway), Orcina (UK), Principia (France), Siemens (Spain), Tecnalia (Spain), Universidad de Cantabria (Spain), University of Rostock (Germany), University of Ulsan (Korea), UPC (Spain), Vulcain (France), WyndTek (Netherlands)
- Outcome: Verification of an advanced soil-structure interaction models for offshore wind turbines. Elasto-plastic soil material behaviour.
High-fidelity models for detailed and ULS analysis of foundation and seabed

Wind turbine aerodynamics under large motions
- Project: International Energy Agency's OC6 Phase III
- Participants: NREL (USA), PoliMi (Italy), Bureau Veritas (France), CENER (Spain), CSSC (China), DNV GL (UK), DTU (Denmark), Dalian University of Technology (China), EDF (France), eureka! (Spain), IFPEN (France), Newcastle University (UK), Tecnalia (Spain), TNO (Netherlands), TU Delft (Netherlands), TU Berlin (Germany), UNIFI (Italy), University of Ulsan (Korea), UPC (Spain), Vulcain (France), WyndTek (Netherlands)
- Outcome: Identification of the range of applicability of numericals aerodynamic models of different fidelity to systems subjected to large surge and pitch motions.